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Server Configuration

The following is the entire list of cvars with their default value and description.

zombie_model_file “cfg/zombiemod/models.cfg”
File with list of models to use for zombie mod. If headless models are enabled, each model must have an _head and an _hs counterpart. ZombieMod will detect the heads automatically so both types of models may be used together.

zombie_download_file “cfg/zombiemod/downloads.cfg”
File with list of materials etc to download. Everything in this file is added to the client download list.

zombie_sound_rand 50
How often zombies play zombie sounds. The lower this number, the more sounds you hear.

zombie_health 2500
Health given to all zombies. First zombie gets this times 2.

zombie_speed 325
The speed that zombies travel at.

zombie_fov 125
Field of vision of the zombies. Normal human FOV is 90.

zombie_knockback 4
The knockback multiplier of zombies. Set to 0 to disable knockback.

zombie_restrictions “rifles m249 flash″
Space separated list of guns that are restricted during zombie mode. Takes effect immediately on change.
Can be any combination of the following
all - All weapons
equip - Equipment
pistol - All pistols
shotgun - All shotguns.
smg - All SMG's
rifles - All rifles.
sniper - All sniper rifles.
Or each weapons short name. Ex: famas, awp, mac etc etc.

zombie_dark 1
Makes maps very dark if enabled. If disabled, the map doesn’t have to be reloaded to start zombiemode.

zombie_bonus 1

zombie_teams 1
When enabled, ZombieMod will use the scoreboard to display which players are a zombie and which are humans.
The CT team shows the humans and the T team shows the Zombies.
On round_end everyone is randomly placed onto either team to allow for buying at the start of the next round.
The teams are not changed again until the first Zombie is chosen and then everyone else is moved to the CT team.

zombie_respawn 0
// If enabled, zombies who are killed respawn as a human after zombie_respawn_delay seconds.

zombie_respawn_delay 1
Time before players are respawned in autorespawn mode.

zombie_unlimited_ammo 1
If enabled, ammo is unlimited.(1000 clip)

zombie_talk 1
If enabled, zombies can only voice with zombies and humans with humans. This is defunct if zombie_teams is enabled.

zombie_changeteam_block 1
When enabled, disables players from suiciding by switching teams.

zombie_suicide 1
When 1, disables players from suiciding.

zombie_suicide_text “Dont be an asshole.”
Text displayed to potential suiciders.

zombie_startup 0
If this is in your config.cfg ZombieMod attempts to auto load itself at first round_start.

zombie_timer_max 12.0
Maximum amount of seconds after round_freeze_end for first random Zombification.

zombie_timer_min 4.0
Minimum amount of seconds after round_freeze_end for first random Zombification.

zombie_headshots 1
If enabled, zombies heads get blown off on headshot deaths. (Must have zombie head and headless models)

zombie_headshot_count 6
Amount of headshots before a zombie’s head comes off. 0 means on death only.

zombie_allow_disable_nv 0
When 1, allows zombies to disable their own night vision.

zombie_kill_bonus 0
Amount of extra frags awarded for killing a zombie.
1 kill is awarded regardless, but some people feel that when health is as high as it is, more kills should be awarded.
So, if this is 0, 1 kill is awarded.
If it is 1, 2 kills are awarded, and so on,

zombie_notices 1
When enabled, shows an icon in the top right corner of a players screen when someone gets turned into a zombie. (Thanks LDuke)
It also logs a player_death event using zombie_claws_of_death as the weapon name.
If you are a plugin developer, you should check for this weapon in FireEvent.
The actual Event_Dying and Event_Killed events are not fired and the player is not dead.

zombie_fog 1
When enabled, over-rides fog for all maps with a predefined Zombie-Fog.

zombie_fog_sky 1
When enabled, over-rides the sky for all maps so it corresponds with the fog.

zombie_fog_sky_material “zombie_sky”
The material to use for the sky.
This material should have four vmt files located in materials/skybox.
Their naming scheme is as follows..

zombie_fog_colour “107 116 116″
Primary fog colour.

zombie_fog_colour2 “255 255 255″
Secondary fog colour.

zombie_fog_start 200
How close to a players Point-Of-View fog is rendered.

zombie_fog_end 9000
How far from a players Point-Of-View that fog stops rendering.

zombie_fog_blend 0
Enables fog blending between colours.

zombie_effect 1
Enables the cool smoke effects when zombies are turned.

zombie_shake 1
Enable screen shake for zombied player on zombification.

humans_jetpack 0
Enables the JetPack for Humans.

zombie_jetpack 0
Enables the JetPack for Zombies.

zombie_jetpack_timer 6
Amount of seconds zombies are allowed to use the JetPack in one round. 0 for unlimited.

zombie_welcome_delay 7
Delay in seconds after a player joins a server to send the welcome message. 0 to disable.

zombie_welcome_text "[ZOMBIE] This server is using the [CSSMC] ZombieMod Server Plugin. Type !zhelp in chat for help.\nGet it at"
The text to send to new players.

zombie_help_url ""
The url to direct people to when they enter !zhelp in chat.

zombie_stuckcheck_radius 35
The radius around a players location to check for other players on Zombification.

zombie_undead_sound_enabled 1
When enabled, all players hear 'undead ambient sounds'.

zombie_undead_sound_volume 0.7
Can be used to higher or lower the volume of the sound played.

zombie_undead_sound "ambient/zombiemod/zombie_ambient.mp3"
The sound to play to players, is precached and added to the client download list automatically.

zombie_undead_sound_exclusions "de_aztec"
A comma delimited string of maps with wich not to use zombie_undead_sound.

zombie_headshots_only 0
When enabled, Zombies only take damage via headshots.

zombie_balancer_health_ratio 0
When enabled, after zombie_balancer_player_ratio amount of players are zombies, each additional new zombies health is reduced by this percentage. 0 Disables.

zombie_balancer_player_ratio 0
The ratio of players whom must be a zombie to start reducing new Zombies health. So when this percentage of the server is a zombie, new zombies health is reduced by the percentage of zombie_balancer_health_ratio.

zombie_balancer_type 1
If this is 1, zombie_balancer_player_ratio is the ratio of players who must be zombies before health is decreased. Otherwise, zombie_balancer_player_ratio is the count of Zombies ex:6.

zombie_balancer_min_health 0
This is the minimum health you want Zombies to ever end up with while using the balancer.

Using ZombieMod

To enable ZombieMod, type ‘zombie_mode 1’ at the console, or ‘rcon zombie_mode 1’ from your client.


If zombie_dark is enabled, the map will restart and the games will begin.
Repeat the command to disable the mod. - - MetaMod:Source - Counter-Strike - Valve Dev Wiki
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