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And we're back!
  Thursday 8 February 08 2024 // 12:33
  Author: c0ldfyr3

Well, it's only been 14 years! How the hell is everyone?

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I've recently found the energy to decide to put back into creating a ZM:CS2, ZM 4.0 if you will. And the first step to doing that was bringing this site and forums back online. I've already done that so that's step 1.

Step 2 is figuring out how to do all of the CS2 hooking, detouring and hacking and the amazing guys over at CS2Fixes have already gone a long way to doing that. That means I might have a new ZM 4.0 out in the next couple of weeks.

With that though comes some tough choices. I've recently found out that the CS2 dev community is split on what to support and what not to support so right now I'm going to concentrate on bringing a pure ZM:CS2 as a Metamod plugin top fruition and then I'll delve into the finer politics of the current CS2 dev landscape.

Thanks for reading and hope you stick around!

Jay / c0ldfyr3

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Bafta Video Game Awards
  Wednesday 18 October 18 2006 // 21:21
  Author: c0ldfyr3

I'm not sure if anyone else got a chance to see them; if you did I'm sure you too were also in the throes of major vomiting.

I cannot believe they dared call it the 'Video Game Awards', it was without doubt the single biggest shambles of an event I have ever witness in my entire short life.

In the Sports category, there was Fifa 06, some shite boxing game, Pro Evo 6, Table Tennis and moto gp.
The shite boxing game won it.
If I need to go on I will, for instance the Multiplayer was won by Dungeons & Dragons Online. Battlefield 2 had a mention, but it was its useless 'Modern Combat ' XBox counter part which isn't anywhere near the supremecy that Battlefield itself holds.

The entire thing was low budget, as was obvious from the idiots both presenting awards and the ceremony as a whole.

Every single category had repeats from other categories, LocoRoco which is complete shite for one instance. I am beginning to think even the winners were probably picked by who contributed the most money to the ceremony.

I have never felt so sick to my stomach as to hear them go on and on about games that couldn’t hold a candle to what us, the learned ones, would call a computer game.
Most of the mods for CS:S which no one plays would have beaten every single category there.

Anyway, enough of my ramble; if you can, do me a favour and tell the world the Bafta's are the greatest pile of steaming dog shite imaginable.
I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of watching any other Bafta's but one thing is for sure, I won't be now.

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Support Day Against DRM
  Tuesday 3 October 03 2006 // 16:54
  Author: c0ldfyr3


I give this initiative my full support and I hope many of you do too.

October 3rd is the Day Against DRM (Digital Restrictions Management), learn more at

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Official Forum Rules
  Thursday 21 September 21 2006 // 19:57
  Author: KingPin

We have had a growing community for a while now and as comes with a growing community some minor problems here and there. To stem further problems from showing up in the future, There are some official rules in place now, please read them and make sure to follow them. Not following the rules is grounds for action by the moderators/admins. not reading the rules is no excuse for not following them. These rules may be changed at any time at c0ldfyr3's discretion.

The rules are stickied on top of all regular forums, here is a link to them. :

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ZombieMod 1.2.4
  Saturday 16 September 16 2006 // 23:05
  Author: c0ldfyr3

- Fixed windows binary to work after last srcds update.
- Fixed ent_fire exploit.

Download Now

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